About “Story”.

I was re reading some of The Heart of the Photograph by Canadian Photographer David duChemin today, and Chapter 11 “Where is the Story” really stood out. I’ve read the book before, and every so often I’ll flip through the pages - I really enjoy his writing and have always enjoyed his point of view when it comes to photography. This chapter in particular had me thinking about our role as your wedding photographer. Are we the storytellers of your wedding?

I think, that when it comes to your wedding day, the WEDDING is the story, and the people are the characters in that story. The location, outfits, and entertainment make up the environment and set the stage for things to happen. But that’s it. That’s the story.

If you’ve spent some time looking at photographers websites, you’ll notice that every. single. photographer. is a “storyteller” and it’s their mission to, you guessed it… “tell your love story”.

Our role as your photographer is not to “tell” that story, but rather it’s to seek out images that, when put together in a sequence, allow you to start a conversation about those moments I’ve captured for you of the day that you set up to happen.


Shoot the Wedding how it “Feels”?


How to Plan a Destination Wedding. Tips from a Wedding Photographer.