How do we “show” you what we do for you?

Photographers (and most creatives) believe that if we show our best work, we’ll get hired. If we show all of our work, and we do so in near realtime (like on Instagram) that means we’re relevant, important, and in demand, and just like that, you’ll see value in our work. If we show our best work, the work speaks for itself, and everyone understands exactly what we do for them.


But having great work isn’t enough these days.

Yes, it’s a given, if you’re a professional photographer, producing stellar work is expected - in fact, it’s the bare minimum.

But that’s probably only 10% of what we do as photographers. So how do we convey the other 90% of our work to you?

I’ve spoken with many photographers who do as good, or even better work than me that are having a hard time getting hired. They wonder why people hit up their site, and then bounce 3 seconds later.

The reason? Well, first of all, our attention span has collectively become shorter and shorter.

The second reason, is that pretty photos are not enough.

A few days back, I booked two weddings in one day. One for September 2025, and another one for June 2026.

One bride told me that she found me after several days of scrolling through various websites. She was almost ready to give up and ask a friend. But she found my site - saw what I was writing here, and one image in particular spoke to her. She just felt a connection to it, but it was what I was writing here that gave her an idea of what I would be like to work with.

After an hour long conversation with her, it felt like we were old friends. She booked me later that day. During our discovery call, she told me that not only was she looking for great images, but she wanted a personal connection of sorts. She wanted to feel comfortable with the person that would be with her all weekend long.

And that’s generally what I hear from couples who connect with me, but it has to happen organically, usually over a phone call or during an in person meeting. But I can’t just “show” that online through photographs.

As wedding photographers, our portfolios are full of pretty photographs of beautiful weddings. But to most people, that’s all they are. There’s no connection because they are personal photographs meant for someone else. The value in what we do presents itself after the wedding, when your wedding photographs arrive in your inbox, and delivered to your home in the form of prints.

If you’re a photographer reading this, and have wondered why people aren’t inquiring even though you have 500 perfect photographs from weddings on your site - this is why.


That nagging little voice telling you that you’re not good enough.


Every photographers inner dialogue.